On Demand Content
Doctoral supervision stories; perspectives from students and supervisors
University of South Wales
Enhancing the voice of researchers in our careers support and delivery from Covid and beyond
University of Nottingham
How to develop skills programmes that create a diverse, secure, talent pipeline from post 16 through to post-doctoral researchers using PhD students as the lynch pin
Loughborough University
Steps to Fellowship Success – how funder support infrastructures and institutions can work together to help early career researchers achieve their fellowship ambitions
The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR)
Supporting researchers through the Viva: working collaboratively to create online resources
University of South Wales
Open Life Science - mentoring program and community - nurturing ambassadors for equitable open science
Open Life Science
A training bundle to support managers of researchers to meet their Concordat obligations
Oxford Brookes University
Beyond Formal Supervision: Mentors Supporting PhD Students
University of Technology Sydney